K'Ish Echad Shavuos Learning

Every year, shuls and yeshivos around the globe stay up all night in a joint anticipation of Kabbalas HaTorah. Due to the current situation, many shuls and yeshivos won't be holding programs. However, that doesn't mean that we can't join together for this momentous occasion. No matter where you find yourself, this Shavuos, let us come together through that which has the power to unite all Jews together, the power of Talmud Torah, in memory of all those who have succumbed to the coronavirus. Iy"H, we should be mekabel the Torah k'ish echad b'lev echad, and put an end to this pandemic, and all suffering!

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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 7 Sivan 5780 (Saturday, May 30, 2020) sundown.
3 siyums total

Tanach Siyum is 0% Assigned
(0/929 chapters)


Bereishis (0/50 0%)
Shmos (0/40 0%)
Vayikra (0/27 0%)
Bamidbar (0/36 0%)
Devarim (0/34 0%)


Yehoshua (0/24 0%)
Shoftim (0/21 0%)
Shmuel 1 (0/31 0%)
Shmuel 2 (0/24 0%)
Melachim 1 (0/22 0%)
Melachim 2 (0/25 0%)
Yeshaya (0/66 0%)
Yirmiya (0/52 0%)
Yechezkel (0/48 0%)
Hoshea (0/14 0%)
Yoel (0/4 0%)
Amos (0/9 0%)
Ovadia (0/1 0%)
Yona (0/4 0%)
Micha (0/7 0%)
Nachum (0/3 0%)
Chavakuk (0/3 0%)
Tzefania (0/3 0%)
Chagai (0/2 0%)
Zecharia (0/14 0%)
Malachi (0/3 0%)


Tehilim (0/150 0%)
Mishlei (0/31 0%)
Iyov (0/42 0%)
Daniel (0/12 0%)
Ezra (0/10 0%)
Nechemia (0/13 0%)
Shir Hashirim (0/8 0%)
Ruth (0/4 0%)
Eicha (0/5 0%)
Koheles (0/12 0%)
Esther (0/10 0%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (0/29 0%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (0/36 0%)

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