SHABBOS NACHAMU (shidduchim)

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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 21 Tammuz 5784 (Saturday, July 27, 2024) sundown.

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Tehilim by Chapter (150 chapters)

ch.1 (6) ch.2 (12) ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (9) ch.5 (13) ch.6 (11)
ch.7 (18) ch.8 (10) ch.9 (21)
ch.10 (18) ch.11 (7) ch.12 (9)
ch.13 (6) ch.14 (7) ch.15 (5)
ch.16 (11) ch.17 (15) ch.18 (51)
ch.19 (15) ch.20 (10) ch.21 (14)
ch.22 (32) ch.23 (6) ch.24 (10)
ch.25 (22) ch.26 (12) ch.27 (14)
ch.28 (9) ch.29 (11) ch.30 (13)
ch.31 (25) ch.32 (11) ch.33 (22)
ch.34 (23) ch.35 (28) ch.36 (13)
ch.37 (40) ch.38 (23) ch.39 (14)
ch.40 (18) ch.41 (14) ch.42 (12)
ch.43 (5) ch.44 (27) ch.45 (18)
ch.46 (12) ch.47 (10) ch.48 (15)
ch.49 (21) ch.50 (23) ch.51 (21)
ch.52 (11) ch.53 (7) ch.54 (9)
ch.55 (24) ch.56 (14) ch.57 (12)
ch.58 (12) ch.59 (18) ch.60 (14)
ch.61 (9) ch.62 (13) ch.63 (12)
ch.64 (11) ch.65 (14) ch.66 (20)
ch.67 (8) ch.68 (36) ch.69 (37)
ch.70 (6) ch.71 (24) ch.72 (20)
ch.73 (28) ch.74 (23) ch.75 (11)
ch.76 (13) ch.77 (21) ch.78 (72)
ch.79 (13) ch.80 (20) ch.81 (17)
ch.82 (8) ch.83 (19) ch.84 (13)
ch.85 (14) ch.86 (17) ch.87 (7)
ch.88 (19) ch.89 (53) ch.90 (17)
ch.91 (16) ch.92 (16) ch.93 (5)
ch.94 (23) ch.95 (11) ch.96 (13)
ch.97 (12) ch.98 (9) ch.99 (9)
ch.100 (5) ch.101 (8) ch.102 (29)
ch.103 (22) ch.104 (35) ch.105 (45)
ch.106 (48) ch.107 (43) ch.108 (14)
ch.109 (31) ch.110 (7) ch.111 (10)
ch.112 (10) ch.113 (9) ch.114 (8)
ch.115 (18) ch.116 (19) ch.117 (2)
ch.118 (29) ch.119 (176) ch.120 (7)
ch.121 (8) ch.122 (9) ch.123 (4)
ch.124 (8) ch.125 (5) ch.126 (6)
ch.127 (5) ch.128 (6) ch.129 (8)
ch.130 (8) ch.131 (3) ch.132 (18)
ch.133 (3) ch.134 (3) ch.135 (21)
ch.136 (26) ch.137 (9) ch.138 (8)
ch.139 (24) ch.140 (14) ch.141 (10)
ch.142 (8) ch.143 (12) ch.144 (15)
ch.145 (21) ch.146 (10) ch.147 (20)
ch.148 (14) ch.149 (9) ch.150 (6)

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Current Signups

4Betty Goldberg4 chapters
5Adina5 chapters
2Clara steinman2 chapters
1Tamara gluck1 Chapter
2Sara wargon2 chapters
7Devorah7 chapters
3Chana glassner3 chapters
2Gnesha nezri2 chapters
1Bina asher1 Chapter
7Amy Braun7 chapters
3Beth3 chapters
13Breindy Cinner13 chapters
3Chana3 chapters
1Chana Baila Rutman1 Chapter
1Chana Klinger1 Chapter
6Gershon Schwadron6 chapters
2Goldy Gluzman2 chapters
3Joan Ganchrow3 chapters
3Penina Baldinger3 chapters
3Juliana Rosenblat3 chapters
5Lori Applebaum5 chapters
3Monica Shabtai3 chapters
12Beth lorch12 chapters
10Tzveya10 chapters
1Rivki Hecht1 Chapter
2samuel moses2 chapters
6Sara Lea Dear6 chapters
2sara wargon2 chapters
11Shana Cohen11 chapters
5Shana Miller5 chapters
4Sheryl4 chapters
3Tami Gluck3 chapters
7TK7 chapters
7Yael geller7 chapters
5Sharon Sanchez5 chapters
      35 people signed up for 155 chapters   export



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