Learn for Yisroel Meir Ben Daphne Bruria
Refuah Shelema

Our little brother just turned 13 and unfortunately had an operation on his head, He is in critical condition in the hospital, Please help us finish the ש"ס for his recovery.

To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant dafim, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 17 Shevat 5779 (Wednesday, January 23, 2019) sundown.

Talmud Bavli Siyum is 5.6% Assigned
(153/2711 dafim)

current signup list


Berachos (24/63 38.1%)


Shabbos (15/156 9.6%)
Eruvin (0/104 0%)
Pesachim (9/120 7.5%)
Shekalim (0/21 0%)
Yoma (0/87 0%)
Sukkah (0/55 0%)
Beitzah (0/39 0%)
Rosh Hashanah (0/34 0%)
Taanis (1/30 3.3%)
Megillah (32/31 103.2%)
Moed Katan (0/28 0%)
Chagigah (3/26 11.5%)


Yevamos (4/121 3.3%)
Kesuvos (7/111 6.3%)
Nedarim (0/90 0%)
Nazir (0/65 0%)
Sotah (0/48 0%)
Gittin (3/89 3.4%)
Kiddushin (2/81 2.5%)


Bava Kamma (26/118 22%)
Bava Metzia (4/118 3.4%)
Bava Basra (4/175 2.3%)
Sanhedrin (0/112 0%)
Makkos (2/23 8.7%)
Shevuos (0/48 0%)
Avodah Zarah (15/75 20%)
Horayos (0/13 0%)


Zevahim (0/119 0%)
Menahos (0/109 0%)
Hullin (0/141 0%)
Bechoros (0/60 0%)
Arakhin (0/33 0%)
Temurah (0/33 0%)
Kerisos (0/27 0%)
Meilah+ (0/36 0%)


Niddah (3/72 4.2%)

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Current Signups

10Ben CookAvodah Zarah dafim 5-14
2Rabbi GersonAvodah Zarah dafim 15-16
9Benyamin KhaimovPesachim dafim 2-10
15Binyomin GallisBava Kamma dafim 2-16
3Chaim KatzAvodah Zarah dafim 2-4
9Elan RosenblatBerachos dafim 17-25
6Elchonon YosefChagigah dafim 2-4; Gittin dafim 2-4
2Eran AbramovichKiddushin dafim 2-3
1Ezra ForouzanMegillah daf 2
1ItzikTaanis daf 2
1SYSMakkos daf 7
1LeibBava Metzia daf 21
7Levi A. GoldwasserBava Kamma dafim 55-61
7MattisyahuBava Metzia dafim 85-87; Bava Basra dafim 28-31
4Menachem tenenbaumYevamos dafim 119-122
31Michael GrayMegillah dafim 2-32
18OhavBerachos dafim 13-16; Shabbos dafim 22-35
1Pinny salamonMakkos daf 2
7Sender StrassfedKesuvos dafim 2-8
4Shauli friedmanBava Kamma dafim 36-39
1Tal RefaelShabbos daf 103
3yaakov floransNiddah dafim 2-4
11Yanky wiseBerachos dafim 2-12
      23 people signed up for 154 dafim   export



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