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Current Signups

3Abraham BergmanSukkah dafim 5-7
3Ari GluckSukkah dafim 54-56
4Binyamin LiebermanRosh Hashanah dafim 25-28
3Jeffrey SteinRosh Hashanah dafim 12-14
3Chemi bochnerRosh Hashanah dafim 22-24
2Daniel StokSukkah dafim 23-24
7David BSukkah dafim 13-19
5Dovid MalinowitzRosh Hashanah dafim 29-33
2Shea SteinbergSukkah dafim 31-32
4David SternSukkah dafim 50-53
2Shloimy LowySukkah dafim 29-30
3Dovid CytrynRosh Hashanah dafim 9-11
2Yaakov AugensteinSukkah dafim 27-28
3Jack AugensteinSukkah dafim 2-4
2Rabbi SchiffenbauerRosh Hashanah dafim 34-35
2Luzy SteinmetzSukkah dafim 25-26
3Moshe OlshwangRosh Hashanah dafim 2-4
2Shaya JoffeRosh Hashanah dafim 5-6
8Sruli ZyskindSukkah dafim 42-49
5Tzvi KatzSukkah dafim 8-10; Rosh Hashanah dafim 15-16
7Ushi SteinmetzSukkah dafim 35-41
3Chaim TesslerSukkah dafim 20-22
2Yehuda SchonfeldSukkah dafim 11-12
2JEFFREY SILBERRosh Hashanah dafim 17-18
3Yitzchok StrohRosh Hashanah dafim 19-21
2Yitzie PretterSukkah dafim 33-34
2Yonatan weinbergerRosh Hashanah dafim 7-8
      27 people signed up for 89 dafim   export



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