Learn for Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Lebkovitz ZT”L (רבי חיים יצחק לבקוביץ זצ"ל ) Shloshim/ Yartzheit
בס"ד שלום שלום ב'ה Bezechus Rabbeinu Haqadosh veHanorah Rabbeinu Nachman ben Simcha ben Feigue zatsal Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Lebkovitz zt"l, descendent of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov zy"a. "Rabbeinu HaKodesh cautioned, "To honor and hold in great esteem his children, because they are very precious trees, and from them will grow good and very wondrous fruits. He also said that he took his descendants from the world of Atzilut [the highest of the four supernal worlds]." https://ravberland.com/heartbreaking-avreich-rabbi-chaim-yitzchak-lebkovitz-ztl-about-his-connection-to-rav-berland-shlita/#comment-99521 בהצלחה רבה ובסוכות טובות תמיד ממ"ש כל טוב סלה תמיד ממ"ש
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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 28 Elul 5784 (Tuesday, October 01, 2024) sundown.