Siyum on Tanach (2/1300+) #2: Matan Abarjil ZT'L

For every holy neshama that we lost on Simchat Torah...

We hope to finish the Tanach in honor of every single one.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of work to do. We will finish as many times as it takes.

Please sign up for as many chapters as you would like. Study it in English, Hebrew or any language you want.

When this Siyum is complete, the Siyum will renew in honor of another holy neshama. I will update the title to reflect the # we are at in a cycle.

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 9 Heshvan 5785 (Sunday, November 10, 2024) sundown.

Signup Complete.
you may still sign up for more.
(1 full signup + 391 additional tanach chapters)

current signup list


Bereishis (175/50 350%)
Shmos (64/40 160%)
Vayikra (31/27 114.8%)
Bamidbar (56/36 155.6%)
Devarim (39/34 114.7%)


Yehoshua (36/24 150%)
Shoftim (54/21 257.1%)
Shmuel 1 (31/31 100%)
Shmuel 2 (43/24 179.2%)
Melachim 1 (30/22 136.4%)
Melachim 2 (25/25 100%)
Yeshaya (86/66 130.3%)
Yirmiya (70/52 134.6%)
Yechezkel (48/48 100%)
Hoshea (14/14 100%)
Yoel (8/4 200%)
Amos (12/9 133.3%)
Ovadia (1/1 100%)
Yona (8/4 200%)
Micha (14/7 200%)
Nachum (3/3 100%)
Chavakuk (6/3 200%)
Tzefania (3/3 100%)
Chagai (2/2 100%)
Zecharia (22/14 157.1%)
Malachi (3/3 100%)


Tehilim (165/150 110%)
Mishlei (31/31 100%)
Iyov (52/42 123.8%)
Daniel (12/12 100%)
Ezra (20/10 200%)
Nechemia (20/13 153.8%)
Shir Hashirim (24/8 300%)
Ruth (4/4 100%)
Eicha (5/5 100%)
Koheles (24/12 200%)
Esther (10/10 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (29/29 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (40/36 111.1%)

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Current Signups

74A YidBamidbar chapters 31-36; Yechezkel chapters 11-48; Zecharia chapters 3-12; Mishlei chapters 11-30
10Aaron ZuckermanEzra chapters 1-10
2AbigailYeshaya chapters 55-56
5AdinaDevarim chapters 17-20; Eicha chapter 1
2alanaYeshaya chapters 13-14
12ACYehoshua chapters 1-12
3Ali cohenDevarim chapters 21-23
27AlizaIyov chapters 18-42; Koheles chapters 11-12
5Emma ZuckerVayikra chapters 12-16
3Annabella MuchnikMelachim 2 chapters 4-6
5Ari SchanzerYehoshua chapters 6-10
1Arielle YarmishMishlei chapter 2
6Atara JMelachim 1 chapters 1-6
118Atara SheinsonBereishis chapters 1-50; Vayikra chapters 1-10; Devarim chapters 27-31, 33; Yeshaya chapters 15, 18-25, 28-46, 51-54, 57-59; Divrei Hayamim 1 chapters 1-17
3Aviya SolomonDevarim chapters 5-7
21AyalaShmos chapters 10-20; Iyov chapters 1-10
4Ayelet MendelesOvadia chapter 1; Nachum chapters 1-3
2Bat-TzionZecharia chapters 13-14
4Benji KleinYirmiya chapters 1-4
3AlanaDevarim chapters 24-26
10Chaim Dov WolbeShmos chapters 1-10
4Chaim lapciucBereishis chapter 36; Shmos chapters 21-23
10Chana SussmanYeshaya chapters 3-12
2Suzanne CohenDevarim chapters 1-2
5David AShmuel 2 chapters 1-5
11David NAmos chapters 1-9; Chavakuk chapters 2-3
39DevoraVayikra chapters 19, 23, 23-25; Bamidbar chapters 9-15, 15-17, 20-25, 27, 31-32, 35-36; Devarim chapters 5-7, 15; Hoshea chapter 14; Amos chapters 1-2, 7; Tehilim chapters 1-3, 130, 130
2Devorah GoldmanDevarim chapter 1; Yeshaya chapter 1
2DinaMishlei chapters 9-10
2Orly BenzaquenIyov chapter 16; Koheles chapter 3
3Eitan DenkerShmos chapter 1; Yehoshua chapter 18; Mishlei chapter 1
11Elana RosenblattShoftim chapters 11-14; Yeshaya chapters 60-66
150Eli FishbeinTehilim chapters 1-150
9ElianaMelachim 1 chapter 18; Hoshea chapters 1-8
4Elisha FredmanVayikra chapters 20-22, 24
8Elisheva BekritskyShmos chapters 2-9
1Elisheva GreenbergDevarim chapter 11
10Emanuelle AbitbolIyov chapters 17-26
1emilyIyov chapter 17
2Emily GoldbergYeshaya chapters 42-43
10Esther BekritskyMelachim 2 chapters 16-25
2Ezriel SelmarYeshaya chapters 16-17
3Gavriel IroniMelachim 2 chapters 1-3
16Gila SmillieBereishis chapters 45-50; Bamidbar chapters 1-10
5GurinShmuel 1 chapters 1-5
1HaniYeshaya chapter 2
5Hilary and JonathanHoshea chapters 9-13
59Howard Niad bli nederBereishis chapters 1-50; Shmos chapters 1-9
32Jack HelprinShmuel 1 chapters 24-31; Shmuel 2 chapters 1-24
1Jenny LifshitzMishlei chapter 6
4Joan SlabiakDevarim chapters 13-16
8Jordan ServissBereishis chapters 37-44
30JoshShmuel 1 chapters 6-23; Shmuel 2 chapters 11-22
4Yitzi WolbeYona chapters 1-4
5Josh GurinYehoshua chapters 1-5
13Naama/JoshBereishis chapters 1-10; Shoftim chapters 1-3
6Joshua LiebermanYehoshua chapters 19-24
2Kayla KreinikZecharia chapters 1-2
5Keren GolanBamidbar chapters 26-30
2LeahDevarim chapters 3-4
2Leah KramerYeshaya chapters 26-27
23Leah WengerEzra chapters 1-10; Nechemia chapters 1-13
10Leora TaubYechezkel chapters 1-10
1Libby, lea, zehavahMishlei chapter 8
7Mali AntosofskyShoftim chapters 15-17; Yeshaya chapters 47-50
1Matthew GrossDevarim chapter 34
36Menucha RossDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 1-36
5Mia MordowitzShmos chapters 27-31
12Michael GurinDaniel chapters 1-12
2Michal AmbinderKoheles chapters 1-2
1MichalChavakuk chapter 1
1Michele MajorVayikra chapter 11
5Miriam SheinsonShmos chapters 36-40
4Molly burgYoel chapters 1-4
15NaamaShoftim chapters 11-15; Tehilim chapters 1-10
7Naama GShoftim chapters 4-10
1Nadine KurDevarim chapter 12
3NavaShmos chapters 24-26
20Nitsy LavendaShir Hashirim chapters 1-8; Koheles chapters 1-12
4Noah GurinRuth chapters 1-4
51Noam LubofskyYirmiya chapters 5-52; Tzefania chapters 1-3
2OrleeIyov chapters 11-12
10Pazit SmillieEsther chapters 1-10
5Pelah CohenShmos chapters 36-40
160Penina CrystalBereishis chapters 1-50; Shoftim chapters 1-21; Melachim 1 chapters 15-22; Yeshaya chapters 1-11, 24-29, 35; Yirmiya chapters 1-2, 30-45; Yoel chapters 1-4; Yona chapters 1-4; Micha chapters 1-7; Chavakuk chapters 1-3; Zecharia chapters 1-8; Nechemia chapters 1-6, 8; Shir Hashirim chapters 1-8; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapters 25-28
3Nava FreibergVayikra chapters 17-19
7Rachel RosensweigKoheles chapters 4-10
11Rachel SchwartzMelachim 1 chapters 7-17
12RLDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 18-29
5RaynaBamidbar chapters 21-25
3RivkaMalachi chapters 1-3
7Ruti soloveichikShoftim chapters 1-7
3Samuel WerzbergerYehoshua chapters 11-13
2Dina SShmuel 2 chapters 23-24
2SEChagai chapters 1-2
7Shalhevet CohenMicha chapters 1-7
8Shana SchwartzShir Hashirim chapters 1-8
4Shira EbbinMelachim 1 chapters 19-22
4Nili GShoftim chapters 18-21
1Leah and ZehavaMishlei chapter 7
1ShoshanaDevarim chapter 32
2Sivan MussaffiShmos chapters 34-35
2Sophie ChervitzShmos chapters 32-33
3Tess BlausteinDevarim chapters 8-10
1Tzivia MajorMishlei chapter 31
9vaMelachim 2 chapters 7-15
3Yaakov LobodaVayikra chapters 25-27
9RenaBamidbar chapters 11-14, 16-20
3Mindy bMishlei chapters 3-5
4Zehava SYehoshua chapters 14-17
3Zicey HollanderIyov chapters 13-15
4PeninaEicha chapters 2-5
      112 people signed up for 1320 chapters   export



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