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Zeidy Friedman's 39th Yahrtzheit
Our dear Zeidy Yosef Tzvi Ben Zev Z"L,
Zeidy was a holocaust survivor who lost his parents and 6 siblings in the inferno of Europe .
Remembering him only with a smile on his face. He was so full of life and happiness .
A true gentleman, with middos par excellence and servant of Hashem. He got up early each morning and I don't remember when he was ever in bed after 5:30 am every day to start his day with Torah and Tefillah!
When he was still in bed at 8, he was terribly sick and died 2 months later.
Zeidy epitomized a true eved Hashem. His ahavas yisrael was remarkable. He fed many hungry souls and tolerated them even when they berated and mistreated him.
He worked in the diamond industry and people trusted him fully. While in the hospital at the end of his life, in his last weeks when he was very sick, he instructed his son R' Volvy Shlit'a where to return every diamond he had on loan and to pay up his debts so he would not owe money to anyone. Shortly afterwards he regressed and was niftar
He learned and davened with minyan without fail and always looked for someone to bring home for a good meal. We had guests each shabbos .
He hosted my mothers relatives who came from Russia in our small home for a year and placed them in Jewish schools where they received their first Jewish education .
He spent countless hours encouraging his 2 siblings to go in the ways of his holy parents .
When I looked into his eyes, I saw only love. How great a man was he to rebuild like that.
Yehi Zichro Baruch. May he be a meilitz yosher for the family and klal yisrael and may we give him nachas forever.
May his neshama have an Aliya and be able to be amongst all the tzaddikim who will effect the geula for us all!
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Did my tehillim . Will do more iyh by Tuesday
Zeidy was a tzaddik and deserves to have a great Aliya and techias Hameisim very soon .
Mommy , 7 weeks ago
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