L'ilui nishmas Yaakov Yisroel Topper, A"H - יעקב ישראל בן אהרן יוסף הכהן

The Topper family are generous supporters of RCCS's patients, l'ilui nishmas יעקב ישראל בן אהרן יוסף הכהן.

We as RCCS participants raise money and play hockey for this amazing organization, and this year we will IYH make a Siyum on Shisha Sidrei MIshnah as a zechus for Yaakov Yisroel's nishama.

The Siyum will IYH be held at the RCCS Chicago Classic on Feb 23, 2025, at a convenient time to be determined, so that all RCCS participants who want to attend, will be able to attend.

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant Tractates, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 25 Shevat 5785 (Sunday, February 23, 2025) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 69.8% Assigned
(44/63 Tractates)

current signup list


√Berachos (9) Peah (8) √Demai (7)
Kilaim (9) √Sheviis (10) Terumos (11)
Maasros (5) Maaser Sheini (5) √Challah (4)
√Orlah (3) √Bikkurim (4)  


√Shabbos (24) √Eruvin (10) √Pesachim (10)
√Shekalim (8) √Yoma (8) √Sukkah (5)
√Beitzah (5) √Rosh Hashanah (4) √Taanis (4)
√Megillah (4) √Moed Katan (3) √Chagigah (3)


√Yevamos (16) √Kesuvos (13) √Nedarim (11)
√Nazir (9) √Sotah (9) √Gittin (9)
√Kiddushin (4)   


√Bava Kamma (10) √Bava Metzia (10) √Bava Basra (10)
√Sanhedrin (11) √Makkos (3) √Shevuos (8)
√Edyos (8) √Avodah Zarah (5) √Avot (6)
√Horayos (3)   


Zevahim (14) Menahos (13) Hullin (12)
√Bechoros (9) Arakhin (9) Temurah (7)
Kerisos (6) Meilah (6) √Tamid (7)
√Middos (5) Kinnim (3)  


√Keilim (30) √Ohalos (18) √Negaim (14)
√Parah (12) Taharos (10) Mikvaos (10)
Niddah (10) Machshirin (6) Zavim (5)
Tevul Yom (4) √Yadayim (4) √Uktzin (3)

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Current Signups

3Aaron TopperYoma, Rosh Hashanah, Taanis
1Akiva TokarskiyAvot
2anonymous personOrlah, Uktzin
2anonymoussNedarim, Nazir
2Ari DanielsBeitzah, Pesachim
4Ariel CohenGittin, Sanhedrin, Sotah, Negaim
1Chaim SeligsonBava Basra
1Dael GeftKiddushin
1Daniel GlennerMegillah
2Eli SeligsonDemai, Yevamos
1Erwin OvitskyBerachos
1Evan HonigsfeldChallah
2Jake GlassShabbos, Bechoros
1Justin CarlMoed Katan
2Matthew carlEruvin, Middos
1Meir FineYadayim
1Moshe RadnerKesuvos
1Moshe nisenbaumChagigah
1Moshe NisenbaumTamid
1Moshie ovitskySukkah
2Nathan LermanBava Metzia, Makkos
1Raffie ZuroffHorayos
1Anonymous PersonBava Kamma
1Tzvi KleinEdyos
3Solomon RadnerAvodah Zarah, Keilim, Shevuos
1Anonymous personBikkurim
1Yossi SchultzShekalim
      30 people signed up for 44 Tractates   export



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