Dear Year 6 boys, We are organizing a Purim Tish for the year 6 boys of Pardes House, that will take place a few days before Purim in a Hall. More details to be confirmed The Tish will include supper, drinks and music, for a total cost of £1800 +. Therefore, we would like all the boys to participate in learning all Mishnayos of seder Moed & Nezikin. For this, we need sponsorship, for £80 / Massechta. It can be Leiluy Nishmas, Refoua sheleima, Hatshlachos etc… Please solicit all your relatives (parents, grandparents, siblings etc..) Please let us know which Perek / Massechta are you choosing, and the sponsorships you ve been able to get
Yossef Besnainou, Yissochor Moller, Daniel Bordon, Shua Strom and Zvi Hoffman
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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 12 Adar 5783 (Sunday, March 05, 2023) sundown.