Learn for Zichron Baruch Tzvi (Boruch Eisenberg A"H)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 9 Sivan 5784 (Saturday, June 15, 2024) sundown.

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Current Signups

2aryeh freundMakkos dafim 23-24
2Shmaryahu FriedmanMakkos dafim 15-16
1Chaim FriedmanMakkos daf 19
1BZ BarkanyMakkos daf 3
1Chaim LightMakkos daf 5
1Danny EcksteinMakkos daf 7
1Dovi EdellMakkos daf 11
1Eli GleibermanMakkos daf 4
1Ellie KatzMakkos daf 6
3Joshua BrodyMakkos dafim 17-18, 20
1Max GoldMakkos daf 10
1Menachem NeufeldMakkos daf 8
1Michael GoldmanMakkos daf 9
1Nosson GreenbergMakkos daf 21
1Uri FoxbrunerMakkos daf 2
2Yitzchok FriedmanMakkos dafim 13-14
1yechiel salzbergMakkos daf 12
1Yehuda YovitsMakkos daf 22
      18 people signed up for 23 dafim   export



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