Learn for Victims Of October 7th
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
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4Adina GlassMelachim 1 chapters 10-13
4Adina MisherShmuel 2 chapters 13-16
3allison HusShmuel 1 chapters 3-5
10Asher LowensteinMelachim 2 chapters 16-25
2Bea MauskopfYehoshua chapters 23-24
5Ben BruknerShoftim chapters 1-5
2Daniel StroockYehoshua chapters 1-2
3David C WelnerShmuel 1 chapters 29-31
4David GoldsteinMelachim 2 chapters 8-11
4MoskowitzMelachim 1 chapters 6-9
4David WarshawMelachim 2 chapters 1-4
3Debra AlperShmuel 1 chapters 13-15
5Doni KesslerShmuel 1 chapters 16-20
5Haar FamilyShoftim chapters 6-10
2Emma KirshblumShmuel 1 chapters 6-7
8Evan TorczynerYehoshua chapters 15-22
4Flavie AronowiczShmuel 2 chapters 7-10
2Frieda WaldShmuel 2 chapters 17-18
6Gabriella reznikShmuel 1 chapters 23-28
3Gary CohenShmuel 2 chapters 19-21
4Gila and Sara DavisShmuel 1 chapters 21-22, 29-30
5Gittie RothschildShmuel 1 chapters 8-12
4guila kotlerShmuel 2 chapters 1-4
4Herb & Helene WallensteinMelachim 2 chapters 12-15
6Harris L. BerenholzShoftim chapters 16-21
2Jasper and Natan ObstfeldShoftim chapters 14-15
2Jeffrey BenkoeShmuel 2 chapters 5-6
2Jennifer Felderman SteinShmuel 1 chapters 1-2
3Jeremy NudelmanShoftim chapters 11-13
6Joey LevyYehoshua chapters 7-12
3Jonathan MuskatShmuel 2 chapters 22-24
2Eva TorczynerYehoshua chapters 13-14
5Joseph PincusMelachim 1 chapters 18-22
3Leon WinchelMelachim 1 chapters 3-5
2Markowitz FamilyShmuel 2 chapters 11-12
2Myrna NussbaumMelachim 1 chapters 1-2
4Norman GalantiMelachim 1 chapters 14-17
3Rachel HoneymanMelachim 2 chapters 5-7
4Shimon KlaymanYehoshua chapters 3-6
      39 people signed up for 149 chapters   export



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