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Shloshim/ Yartzheit
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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 5 Sivan 5784 (Tuesday, June 11, 2024) sundown.

Tanach Siyum is 75.4% Assigned
(141/187 chapters)

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Bereishis (42/50 84%)
Shmos (19/40 47.5%)
Vayikra (27/27 100%)
Bamidbar (38/36 105.6%)
Devarim (17/34 50%)

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Current Signups

3Chana BarakBereishis chapter 42; Shmos chapter 40; Devarim chapter 34
12Deborah GubinBereishis chapters 5-8; Vayikra chapters 1-4; Bamidbar chapters 1-4
3Devorah ZakonBereishis chapters 29-31
1Don PanushBereishis chapter 23
5Douglas WortendykeBereishis chapters 32-36
3Eliezer PoupkoDevarim chapters 11-13
32Ethan GubinBamidbar chapters 5-36
4FriedShmos chapters 15-18
7Gary HallBereishis chapters 10-16
2Leah UllmanBereishis chapters 1, 9
5Lomner FamilyBereishis chapters 37-41
3Nechama ZakonBereishis chapters 43-45
3Rabbi ZakonBereishis chapters 2-4
4Raffi ErotasDevarim chapters 30-33
4Richard RudermanDevarim chapters 1-4
4Sami GubinVayikra chapters 21-24
6Samuel Duncan FishlederVayikra chapters 9-13, 25
4Sean NevinVayikra chapters 5-8
1Shifra StitzerShmos chapter 1
2Shifra ZakonBereishis chapters 21-22
9Steve KatzShmos chapters 19-20; Vayikra chapters 14-20
4Stitzer FamilyShmos chapters 2-5
1Svetlana LevkovichDevarim chapter 17
7Tali GubinShmos chapters 6-10; Bamidbar chapters 16-17
6Yakov Y. BohenskyVayikra chapters 26-27; Devarim chapters 26-29
2Yochana FriedBereishis chapters 24-25
2Yoel BorregardShmos chapters 13-14
4MarcyBereishis chapters 17-20
      28 people signed up for 143 chapters   export



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