Learn for Fayge Fruma (Zmira) Bat Shmuel Yitzchak HaLevi (Phyllis Rayman)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 21 Heshvan 5784 (Sunday, November 05, 2023) sundown.

Tanach Siyum is 73.4% Assigned
(682/929 chapters)

current signup list


Bereishis (50/50 100%)
Shmos (40/40 100%)
Vayikra (27/27 100%)
Bamidbar (36/36 100%)
Devarim (34/34 100%)


Yehoshua (24/24 100%)
Shoftim (21/21 100%)
Shmuel 1 (31/31 100%)
Shmuel 2 (24/24 100%)
Melachim 1 (22/22 100%)
Melachim 2 (25/25 100%)
Yeshaya (0/66 0%)
Yirmiya (28/52 53.8%)
Yechezkel (0/48 0%)
Hoshea (14/14 100%)
Yoel (4/4 100%)
Amos (9/9 100%)
Ovadia (1/1 100%)
Yona (4/4 100%)
Micha (7/7 100%)
Nachum (3/3 100%)
Chavakuk (0/3 0%)
Tzefania (3/3 100%)
Chagai (0/2 0%)
Zecharia (14/14 100%)
Malachi (3/3 100%)


Tehilim (82/150 54.7%)
Mishlei (31/31 100%)
Iyov (42/42 100%)
Daniel (12/12 100%)
Ezra (10/10 100%)
Nechemia (13/13 100%)
Shir Hashirim (8/8 100%)
Ruth (4/4 100%)
Eicha (5/5 100%)
Koheles (12/12 100%)
Esther (10/10 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (29/29 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (0/36 0%)

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Current Signups

53Adin RaymanMelachim 2 chapters 1-25; Hoshea chapters 1-14; Ovadia chapter 1; Micha chapters 1-7; Nachum chapters 1-3; Tzefania chapters 1-3
20Aharon DantoTehilim chapters 1-20
10ayelet dantoTehilim chapters 21-30
10Aliza RaymanTehilim chapters 51-60
11Arash GanjianTehilim chapters 140-150
18Binyamin RaymanMelachim 1 chapters 5-22
29Elka WeberDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 1-29
40Gabi RaymanShmos chapters 1-40
20Gitta and Bernie ZivotofskyShmuel 2 chapters 5-24
19Harry ScheinerBereishis chapters 18-36
31linda ScheinerShmuel 1 chapters 1-31
31Louis RaymanShoftim chapters 1-21; Ezra chapters 1-10
4Marilyn DantoYona chapters 1-4
4Melissa GoldwagYoel chapters 1-4
14דניאלה שקרוןZecharia chapters 1-14
31Melissa RaymanMelachim 1 chapters 1-4; Nechemia chapters 1-13; Ruth chapters 1-4; Esther chapters 1-10
28Adina SternbergYirmiya chapters 25-52
11Michael GuttmanTehilim chapters 120-130
18Mindy MarcusYehoshua chapters 7-24
42moshe raymanIyov chapters 1-42
3Natalie ivesMalachi chapters 1-3
6Elana StoneYehoshua chapters 1-6
20Sara KrinitzTehilim chapters 31-50
9Shlomo RaymanAmos chapters 1-9
4Tova RubelShmuel 2 chapters 1-4
196שמואל שיפמילרBereishis chapters 1-17, 37-50; Vayikra chapters 1-27; Bamidbar chapters 1-36; Devarim chapters 1-34; Mishlei chapters 1-31; Daniel chapters 1-12; Shir Hashirim chapters 1-8; Eicha chapters 1-5; Koheles chapters 1-12
      26 people signed up for 682 chapters   export



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