Learn for Mark (Marik) Ben Raya (Mark Yunatan)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

Shalom everyone,

We would like to organize a siyum masechet for our father, grandfather, husband, uncle, brother Mark ben Raya. As we know, Mishnah contains the same letters as the word Nishama. It will be a great uplifting of his soul if we can all contribute to the completion of the Mishnayot. Readers can choose to read in Hebrew or English, preferably Hebrew.

We would like to complete all the tractates by the 1 year memorial, which falls out on Thursday, November 13th 2025. Please reach out to Avraham 917-651-4613 if you need help with assignment.

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant Tractates, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 22 Heshvan 5786 (Thursday, November 13, 2025) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 0% Assigned
(0/63 Tractates)


Berachot (9) Peah (8) Demai (7)
Kilaim (9) Sheviit (10) Terumot (11)
Maasrot (5) Maaser Sheini (5) Challah (4)
Orlah (3) Bikkurim (4)  


Shabbat (24) Eruvin (10) Pesachim (10)
Shekalim (8) Yoma (8) Sukkah (5)
Beitzah (5) Rosh Hashanah (4) Taanit (4)
Megillah (4) Moed Katan (3) Chagigah (3)


Yevamot (16) Ketubot (13) Nedarim (11)
Nazir (9) Sotah (9) Gittin (9)
Kiddushin (4)   


Bava Kamma (10) Bava Metzia (10) Bava Batra (10)
Sanhedrin (11) Makkot (3) Shevuot (8)
Edyot (8) Avodah Zarah (5) Avot (6)
Horayot (3)   


Zevahim (14) Menahot (13) Hullin (12)
Bechorot (9) Arakhin (9) Temurah (7)
Keritot (6) Meilah (6) Tamid (7)
Middot (5) Kinnim (3)  


Keilim (30) Ohalot (18) Negaim (14)
Parah (12) Taharot (10) Mikvaot (10)
Niddah (10) Machshirin (6) Zavim (5)
Tevul Yom (4) Yadayim (4) Uktzin (3)

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