Dear Year 6 boys,

We are organizing a Purim Tish for the year 6 boys of Pardes House, that will take place a few days before Purim in a Hall. More details to be confirmed

The Tish will include supper, drinks and music, for a total cost of £1800 +.

Therefore, we would like all the boys to participate in learning all Mishnayos of seder Moed & Nezikin.

For this, we need sponsorship, for £80 / Massechta. It can be Leiluy Nishmas, Refoua sheleima, Hatshlachos etc…

Please solicit all your relatives (parents, grandparents, siblings etc..)

Please let us know which Perek / Massechta are you choosing, and the sponsorships you ve been able to get

Yossef Besnainou, Yissochor Moller, Daniel Bordon, Shua Strom and Zvi Hoffman

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 12 Adar 5783 (Sunday, March 05, 2023) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 37% Assigned
(60/162 chapters)

current signup list

Seder Zeraim (disabled)


√ ch.1 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.2 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.3 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.4 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.5 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.6 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.7 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.8 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.9 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.10 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.11 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.12 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.13 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.14 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.15 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.16 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.17 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.18 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.19 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.20 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.21 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.22 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.23 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.24 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.1 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.2 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.3 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.4 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.5 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.6 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.7 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.8 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.9 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.10 - Yossef Besnainou
√ ch.1 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.2 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.3 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.4 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.5 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.6 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.7 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.8 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.9 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.10 - Yissochor Moller
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (4)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (6)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (7)
ch.8 (8)
all unchecked
ch.1 (8)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (11)
ch.4 (6)
ch.5 (7)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (5)
ch.8 (9)
all unchecked
ch.1 (11)
ch.2 (9)
ch.3 (15)
ch.4 (10)
ch.5 (8)
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (10)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (7)
ch.5 (7)
Rosh Hashanah
all unchecked
ch.1 (9)
ch.2 (9)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (9)
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (10)
ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (8)
all unchecked
ch.1 (11)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (6)
ch.4 (10)
Moed Katan
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (9)
all unchecked
ch.1 (8)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (8)

Seder Nashim (disabled)


Bava Kamma
all unchecked
ch.1 (4)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (11)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (7)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (7)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (12)
ch.10 (10)
Bava Metzia
all unchecked
ch.1 (8)
ch.2 (11)
ch.3 (12)
ch.4 (12)
ch.5 (11)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (9)
ch.9 (13)
ch.10 (6)
Bava Basra
all unchecked
ch.1 (6)
ch.2 (14)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (11)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (4)
ch.8 (8)
ch.9 (10)
ch.10 (8)
all unchecked
ch.1 (6)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (5)
ch.5 (5)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (6)
ch.10 (6)
ch.11 (6)
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (8)
ch.3 (16)
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (11)
ch.4 (13)
ch.5 (5)
ch.6 (7)
ch.7 (8)
ch.8 (6)
√ ch.1 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.2 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.3 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.4 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.5 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.6 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.7 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.8 - Yissochor Moller
Avodah Zarah
√ ch.1 - Daniel Bordon
√ ch.2 - Daniel Bordon
√ ch.3 - Daniel Bordon
√ ch.4 - Daniel Bordon
√ ch.5 - Daniel Bordon
all unchecked
ch.1 (18)
ch.2 (16)
ch.3 (18)
ch.4 (22)
ch.5 (23)
ch.6 (11)
√ ch.1 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.2 - Yissochor Moller
√ ch.3 - Yissochor Moller

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

34Yossef BesnainouEruvin chapters 1-10; Shabbos chapters 1-24
21Yissochor MollerEdyos chapters 1-8; Horayos chapters 1-3; Pesachim chapters 1-10
5Daniel BordonAvodah Zarah chapters 1-5
      3 people signed up for 60 chapters   export



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