Learn for Avraham Elchanan Ben HaRav Dov Ephraim (Avraham Rothman)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 9 Nisan 5785 (Monday, April 07, 2025) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 88.8% Assigned
(64/72 chapters)

current signup list

Seder Zeraim (disabled)


√ ch.1 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.2 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.3 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.4 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.5 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.6 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.7 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.8 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.9 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.10 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.11 - Dina
√ ch.12 - William Jungreis
√ ch.13 - William Jungreis
√ ch.14 - Sid Goldberg
√ ch.15 - Chaim Wyzansky
√ ch.16 - Chaim Wyzansky
√ ch.17 - Chaim Wyzansky
√ ch.18 - Jon Bender & Aaron Greenberg
√ ch.19 - Jon Bender & Aaron Greenberg
√ ch.20 - Eric Klein
√ ch.21 - Eric Klein
√ ch.22 - Eric Klein
√ ch.23 - Shlomo Aronoff
√ ch.24 - Shlomo Aronoff
Eruvin disabledPesachim disabled
Shekalim disabledYoma disabledSukkah disabled
Beitzah disabledRosh Hashanah disabledTaanis disabled
Megillah disabledMoed Katan disabledChagigah disabled

Seder Nashim (disabled)

Seder Nezikim (disabled)

Seder Kodashim (disabled)


all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.2 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.3 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.4 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.5 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.6 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.7 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.8 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.9 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.10 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.11 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.12 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.13 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.14 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.15 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.16 - Emma
√ ch.17 - Emma
√ ch.18 - Emma
√ ch.19 - Emma
√ ch.20 - Emma
√ ch.21 - Emma
√ ch.22 - Emma
ch.23 (6)
ch.24 (17)
ch.25 (8)
ch.26 (9)
ch.27 (13)
ch.28 (10)
ch.29 (8)
ch.30 (4)
√ ch.1 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.2 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.3 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.4 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.5 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.6 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.7 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.8 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.9 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.10 - Taken At The Shivah
√ ch.11 - PAUL Berlin
√ ch.12 - Emma
√ ch.13 - Emma
√ ch.14 - Emma
√ ch.15 - Emma
√ ch.16 - Moshe Moskowitz
√ ch.17 - Moshe Moskowitz
√ ch.18 - PAUL Berlin
Negaim disabled
Parah disabledTaharos disabledMikvaos disabled
Niddah disabledMachshirin disabledZavim disabled
Tevul Yom disabledYadayim disabledUktzin disabled

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Current Signups

3Chaim WyzanskyShabbos chapters 15-17
1DinaShabbos chapter 11
11EmmaOhalos chapters 12-15; Keilim chapters 16-22
3Eric KleinShabbos chapters 20-22
2Jon Bender & Aaron GreenbergShabbos chapters 18-19
35Taken at the ShivahOhalos chapters 1-10; Shabbos chapters 1-10; Keilim chapters 1-15
2Moshe MoskowitzOhalos chapters 16-17
2PAUL BerlinOhalos chapters 11, 18
2Shlomo AronoffShabbos chapters 23-24
1Sid GoldbergShabbos chapter 14
2William JungreisShabbos chapters 12-13
      11 people signed up for 64 chapters   export



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