Learn for Henoch Baylis Ben Avraham Noteh (Alan Sokolow)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 15 Elul 5781 (Monday, August 23, 2021) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 64.7% Assigned
(57/88 chapters)

current signup list

Seder Zeraim (disabled)


all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Dan Sokolow
√ ch.2 - Dan Sokolow
√ ch.3 - Dan Sokolow
√ ch.4 - Dan Sokolow
√ ch.5 - Dan Sokolow
√ ch.6 - Dan Sokolow
√ ch.7 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
√ ch.8 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
√ ch.9 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
√ ch.10 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
ch.11 (6)
ch.12 (6)
ch.13 (7)
ch.14 (4)
ch.15 (3)
ch.16 (8)
ch.17 (8)
ch.18 (3)
ch.19 (6)
ch.20 (5)
ch.21 (3)
ch.22 (6)
ch.23 (5)
ch.24 (5)
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (11)
ch.5 (9)
ch.6 (10)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (11)
ch.9 (4)
ch.10 (15)
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Neil Torczyner
√ ch.2 - Neil Torczyner
√ ch.3 - Neil Torczyner
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (10)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (13)
ch.8 (8)
ch.9 (11)
ch.10 (9)
√ ch.1 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.2 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.3 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.4 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.5 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.6 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.7 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.8 - Michael Sokolow
√ ch.1 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.2 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.3 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.4 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.5 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.6 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.7 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.8 - Steven Zelcer
√ ch.1 - Jacob Zelmanovitz
√ ch.2 - Jacob Zelmanovitz
√ ch.3 - Jacob Zelmanovitz
√ ch.4 - Jacob Zelmanovitz
√ ch.5 - Jacob Zelmanovitz
√ ch.1 - Doron Shahar
√ ch.2 - Doron Shahar
√ ch.3 - Doron Shahar
√ ch.4 - Doron Shahar
√ ch.5 - Doron Shahar
Rosh Hashanah
√ ch.1 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
√ ch.2 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
√ ch.3 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
√ ch.4 - Peter And Vera Sokolow
√ ch.1 - Faye Wilbur
√ ch.2 - Faye Wilbur
√ ch.3 - Faye Wilbur
√ ch.4 - Faye Wilbur
√ ch.1 - Chaim Taub, Benjamin Wilbur
√ ch.2 - Chaim Taub, Benjamin Wilbur
√ ch.3 - Chaim Taub, Benjamin Wilbur
√ ch.4 - Chaim Taub, Benjamin Wilbur
Moed Katan
√ ch.1 - Josh Silber
√ ch.2 - Josh Silber
√ ch.3 - Josh Silber
√ ch.1 - Dennis Wilbur
√ ch.2 - Dennis Wilbur
√ ch.3 - Dennis Wilbur

Seder Nashim (disabled)

Seder Nezikim (disabled)

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

4Chaim TaubMegillah chapters 1-4
6Dan SokolowShabbos chapters 1-6
3Dennis WilburChagigah chapters 1-3
4Faye WilburTaanis chapters 1-4
5Doron ShaharBeitzah chapters 1-5
5Jacob ZelmanovitzSukkah chapters 1-5
3Josh SilberMoed Katan chapters 1-3
8Michael sokolowShekalim chapters 1-8
3Neil TorczynerPesachim chapters 1-3
8Peter and Vera SokolowRosh Hashanah chapters 1-4; Shabbos chapters 7-10
8Steven ZelcerYoma chapters 1-8
4Benjamin WilburMegillah chapters 1-4
      12 people signed up for 61 chapters   export



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