In preparation for Shabu`ot, we invite the entire Shearith Israel community -families, households, and individuals-to take part in our community-wide Torah study effort. Together, we'll complete the entire Torah by Shabu`ot. You're encouraged to sign up for a parashah to study-on your own, with friends, or as a family. There's no single way to study: read it in translation, explore classical or modern commentaries, chant it, or even use videos or graphic novels-whatever helps you connect meaningfully with the text. Our Siyum will take place on Shabu`ot. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect through Torah, whether you're a first-time learner or a seasoned scholar.
To join this siyum of Chumash, please check the relevant parshas, enter your name and email address and submit.
Assignment should be completed bli neder by 6 Sivan 5785 (Monday, June 02, 2025) sundown.