Learn for אליעזר בן ישראל (Michael Brown)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

Bezras Hashem, we will finish Tanach li'ilui neshmas אליעזר רפאל בן ישראל

To join this siyum, please check the relevant boxes, enter your name and email address and submit.

Tehilim Reading should start on or after 21 Heshvan 5783 (Tuesday, November 15, 2022) .
Please read DAILY until 21 Kislev 5783 (Thursday, December 15, 2022) (30 days total)
2 siyums total

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you may still sign up for more.
(1 full signup + 32 additional tehilim parts)

current signup list

Tehilim divided into 30 parts. (as in day of month)

ch.1-9 (part 1) ch.10-17 (part 2) ch.18-22 (part 3)
ch.23-28 (part 4) ch.29-34 (part 5) ch.35-38 (part 6)
ch.39-43 (part 7) ch.44-48 (part 8) ch.49-54 (part 9)
ch.55-59 (part 10) ch.60-65 (part 11) ch.66-68 (part 12)
ch.69-71 (part 13) ch.72-76 (part 14) ch.77-78 (part 15)
ch.79-82 (part 16) ch.83-87 (part 17) ch.88-89 (part 18)
ch.90-96 (part 19) ch.97-103 (part 20) ch.104-105 (part 21)
ch.106-107 (part 22) ch.108-112 (part 23) ch.113-118 (part 24)
ch.119 (part 25) ch.119 (part 26) ch.120-134 (part 27)
ch.135-139 (part 28) ch.140-144 (part 29) ch.145-150 (part 30)

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2 siyums total

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Current Signups

1Aaron Yudinpart 14
1Talia Gellmanpart 20
2aliza friedmanparts 12-13
1Menachem Aharon wallachpart 3
1Ariel Iferganpart 26
1Basya Grossmanpart 23
2Batya Bosinparts 17, 22
1Naomipart 27
1Caleb Pollanpart 3
1Carley Kahnpart 16
2Shira Rosenfeldparts 24, 28
1Eliana Naybergpart 10
1Coby Casdenpart 4
3Danielle Botnickparts 9, 19-20
1David Pantiliatpart 27
1Emma Spart 1
1Michal Benlouloupart 28
1Akivapart 4
3Refuah Sheleimahparts 1, 19-20
1Eitan Millerpart 11
1Eli Eisenbergpart 29
1Eliana Eichlerpart 3
2Ezra Sicklickparts 15, 30
1Gabby Soberpart 10
1Gabi Mogilnerpart 19
1Gabriela Golshanpart 5
1Gabrielle isaacspart 26
2Hallie Soberparts 25-26
1HSpart 25
1Kayla Aryehpart 6
1Leah Kassaipart 29
1Leorah Burackpart 2
1Lexi Soberpart 11
1Lisa Hechtpart 1
3Matan Rockowitzparts 18, 21, 23
2Kobi Cimentparts 4, 7
1Nathan Rosenbergpart 15
3Mia Dombrowskyparts 5-7
1Ben Birnbaumpart 1
1Neima Finepart 8
1Rebecca Hechtpart 30
1Sarah Fpart 27
1Shira borochovpart 24
1Tzipori eichlerpart 14
1Sophia Altmanpart 22
1Talia Osrofpart 8
1TKpart 9
1Yael Jungreispart 2
      48 people signed up for 62 parts   export



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