When asked for a segula for shidduchim Rav Chaim zt"l recommended to a chabura to learn the entire Mesechta Kiddushin.
We will be Iyh making a siyum on Mesechta Kiddushin in one day as a segula for shidduchim!
We will be learning this on Monday April 18th 2022 1st day of Chol Hamoed Pesach. The siyum will be Tuesday night April 19th 2022. Please take a daf or more and have in mind for the shidduchim of those you know and all of klal yisroel.
May we share in simchos!
To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant dafim, enter your name and email address and submit.
Assignment should be completed bli neder by 18 Nisan 5782 (Tuesday, April 19, 2022) sundown.