Learn for Moshe Ben Chana (Moshe Baron)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant dafim, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 8 Tevet 5783 (Sunday, January 01, 2023) sundown.

Talmud Bavli Siyum is 0% Assigned
(0/2711 dafim)


Berachot (0/63 0%)


Shabbat (0/156 0%)
Eruvin (0/104 0%)
Pesachim (0/120 0%)
Shekalim (0/21 0%)
Yoma (0/87 0%)
Sukkah (0/55 0%)
Beitzah (0/39 0%)
Rosh Hashanah (0/34 0%)
Taanit (0/30 0%)
Megillah (0/31 0%)
Moed Katan (0/28 0%)
Chagigah (0/26 0%)


Yevamot (0/121 0%)
Ketubot (0/111 0%)
Nedarim (0/90 0%)
Nazir (0/65 0%)
Sotah (0/48 0%)
Gittin (0/89 0%)
Kiddushin (0/81 0%)


Bava Kamma (0/118 0%)
Bava Metzia (0/118 0%)
Bava Batra (0/175 0%)
Sanhedrin (0/112 0%)
Makkot (0/23 0%)
Shevuot (0/48 0%)
Avodah Zarah (0/75 0%)
Horayot (0/13 0%)


Zevahim (0/119 0%)
Menahot (0/109 0%)
Hullin (0/141 0%)
Bechorot (0/60 0%)
Arakhin (0/33 0%)
Temurah (0/33 0%)
Keritot (0/27 0%)
Meilah+ (0/36 0%)


Niddah (0/72 0%)

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