Learn for ש"ס בבלי לע"נ ר' שמואל בנימין בן יהודה הרצג זצ"ל (Shas for Rav Shmuel Binyomin Herzog Zt"l)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

ש"ס to be finished BEFORE the יאהרצייט on יום א' לפרשת אמור תשפ"א

Sunday April 25, 2021

(סיום will be on מוצאי שבת פרשת אחרי-קדושים April 24, 2021)

To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant dafim, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 12 Iyyar 5781 (Saturday, April 24, 2021) sundown.

Talmud Bavli Siyum is 44.8% Assigned
(1217/2711 dafim)

current signup list


Berachos (63/63 100%)


Shabbos (156/156 100%)
Eruvin (104/104 100%)
Pesachim (120/120 100%)
Shekalim (0/21 0%)
Yoma (0/87 0%)
Sukkah (55/55 100%)
Beitzah (39/39 100%)
Rosh Hashanah (0/34 0%)
Taanis (30/30 100%)
Megillah (0/31 0%)
Moed Katan (28/28 100%)
Chagigah (26/26 100%)


Yevamos (0/121 0%)
Kesuvos (0/111 0%)
Nedarim (0/90 0%)
Nazir (0/65 0%)
Sotah (48/48 100%)
Gittin (89/89 100%)
Kiddushin (0/81 0%)


Bava Kamma (10/118 8.5%)
Bava Metzia (8/118 6.8%)
Bava Basra (96/175 54.9%)
Sanhedrin (65/112 58%)
Makkos (23/23 100%)
Shevuos (0/48 0%)
Avodah Zarah (75/75 100%)
Horayos (13/13 100%)


Zevahim (0/119 0%)
Menahos (61/109 56%)
Hullin (0/141 0%)
Bechoros (60/60 100%)
Arakhin (0/33 0%)
Temurah (33/33 100%)
Kerisos (0/27 0%)
Meilah+ (15/36 41.7%)


Niddah (0/72 0%)

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Current Signups

89Elimelech Dovid SchorrGittin dafim 2-90
10Yecheskel Ahron SchorrBava Basra dafim 92-101
23Menachem Mordechai SchorrMakkos dafim 2-24
26Gedalya SchorrChagigah dafim 2-27
55Avrohom WilligerSukkah dafim 2-56
92Avromi zombeckBerachos dafim 2-64; Shabbos dafim 47-75
15Bentzion harrisMeilah+ dafim 8-22
32Dovid LebovicsMoed Katan dafim 11-29; Horayos dafim 2-14
60Duvi koslowitzBechoros dafim 2-61
75bentzion ederman-mwAvodah Zarah dafim 2-76
40moshe chaim Wolpin-mwPesachim dafim 2-41
65Michel Weissman 609 parkSanhedrin dafim 49-113
39Moshe StraussBeitzah dafim 2-40
17toivy freundMoed Katan dafim 2-10; Bava Metzia dafim 75-82
33Nosson stegerTemurah dafim 2-34
116Shimshi freundBava Basra dafim 2-16, 73-91, 139-159; Menahos dafim 2-30, 44-75
31Shmuel Hillel gorelickBava Basra dafim 108-138
48Shmuel methSotah dafim 2-49
10Tzvi arye friedmanBava Kamma dafim 36-45
80tzvi blauPesachim dafim 42-121
186Yechezkel Lipa PillerShabbos dafim 76-157; Eruvin dafim 2-105
30yisroel MarshTaanis dafim 2-31
45Yehuda StraussShabbos dafim 2-46
      23 people signed up for 1217 dafim   export



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