Congregation Agudath Achim of Bradley Beach, NJ

Celebrating Tanach in Bradley Beach, NJ

Help us complete the entire Tanach by Shavuot 5783

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant Books, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 6 Sivan 5783 (Friday, May 26, 2023) sundown.

Tanach Siyum is 97.4% Assigned
(38/39 Books)

current signup list


√Bereishit (50) √Shmot (40) √Vayikra (27)
√Bamidbar (36) √Devarim (34)  


√Yehoshua (24) √Shoftim (21) √Shmuel 1 (31)
√Shmuel 2 (24) √Melachim 1 (22) √Melachim 2 (25)
√Yeshaya (66) √Yirmiya (52) √Yechezkel (48)
√Hoshea (14) √Yoel (4) √Amos (9)
Ovadia (1) √Yona (4) √Micha (7)
√Nachum (3) √Chavakuk (3) √Tzefania (3)
√Chagai (2) √Zecharia (14) √Malachi (3)


√Tehilim (150) √Mishlei (31) √Iyov (42)
√Daniel (12) √Ezra (10) √Nechemia (13)
√Shir Hashirim (8) √Ruth (4) √Eicha (5)
√Kohelet (12) √Esther (10) √Divrei Hayamim 1 (29)
√Divrei Hayamim 2 (36)   

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Current Signups

1Akiva AshkenaziMishlei
1Alaethia DoctorBereishit
1Alex CohenMicha
1Allan KayeYona
1ari blechYirmiya
1Margie SegalVayikra
1Estie RubinDevarim
1David LevittEzra
1Jacob MoyalShir Hashirim
4Beth NivinShmuel 2, Esther, Shmuel 1, Amos
1Ilana CuttlerHoshea
1Eliezer StavskyShoftim
2Isaac ShulmanMelachim 2, Melachim 1
1Jason CuttlerNechemia
1Lani KayeKohelet
1Mark ZiringRuth
1Yoseph kelmanZecharia
1Maury KelmanYechezkel
1Michael SilvermintzDaniel
1Nate CuttlerTzefania
1Nick LelchitskyShmot
2Noam KelmanChagai, Nachum
1Peninah KELMANChavakuk
1Randi SilvermintzTehilim
1Raquel SchreiberIyov
1Ruth FinebergYehoshua
1Sandra GoldBamidbar
1Sophie CuttlerMalachi
1Rafi MishanYeshaya
2Tehilla & GedaliaDivrei Hayamim 1, Divrei Hayamim 2
      32 people signed up for 38 Books   export



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