Learn for הרב אשר אליהו ב"ר שמעון יונה הכהו ז"ל (Reb Osher Katz Z"L)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

You may have already heard the news of the פטירה on עש"ק פ' ויקהל of ידידינו ר' אשר אליהו הכהן ז"ל.

Osher was a tremendous תלמיד חכם and unfortunately wasn't זוכה to have זש"ק of his own.

We who are now spread out globally are still his family / friends from his past whom may have davened with him in the Kolel in Yeoville or had him at our Shabbos / Yom Tov meals or Simchos now have the oppourtunity to give his נשמה an עלייה by kindly taking upon ourselves לימוד משניות to be completed in time for the שלושים - כ"ה אדר שני (March 28) which is calculated from the day of his קבורה which took place on this past Sunday.

For any queries please don't hesitate to email me on [email protected] or whatsapp me on ++447813634370.

The Siyum will בע"ה take place in ירושלים at Family Kurtstag on his שלושים.

שנשמע ונתבשר בשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות.

Akiva Ziskind

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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 25 Adar II 5782 (Monday, March 28, 2022) sundown.

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1David SegallHullin
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1Rabbi Gedalia SternsteinBava Kamma
1Mordechai SternsteinKerisos
1Moishele FogelEruvin
1moshe kurtstagShevuos
2Moshe Reuven ZiskindBechoros, Taharos
1Nechemya KurtstagShabbos
1Pinchas GoldbergTaanis
1Yitmiyahu KurtstagBava Metzia
2Saul EmanuelYoma, Sukkah
1Shai KatzParah
1Shaul RothschildZavim
1Shimon FogelSanhedrin
1Shimshi StantonMikvaos
1Shimshy StantonMikvaos
1Tuvia BlechmanTevul Yom
1Uriel HorowitzSotah
1Yechiel KurtstagBikkurim
1David EtzmanEdyos
1Yakov SternsteinNazir
1Yedidya ZaidenRosh Hashanah
2Yehoshua KurtstagMachshirin, Yadayim
2Yehuda Aharon HorovitzMenahos, Uktzin
1Yehuda AronovitzChallah
1Yehudah BulmanTerumos
1Yirmiyahu PorushBava Basra
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