London Pirchim Siyum 5785 - Years 7 & 8

Instructions for Signing Up

1. Age-Based Sign-Up: Based on the school year entered in the original registration form, you will automatically be directed to the appropriate Mishnayos sign-up form for your son's year. Each form will only display the masechtas (or perakim within those masechtas) that are suitable for his year group.

2. Scroll Down: After selecting your perek, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

3. Enter Your Details: At the bottom of the page, you'll be asked to enter your son's name and your email address.

4. Click Sign Up: Once your details are entered, click the Sign Up button to complete your registration.

If you have any issues in selecting Mishnayos please contact R' Yaakov Greenberg on 07956101134 (not between 8:15pm - 9:30pm).

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 17 Shevat 5785 (Saturday, February 15, 2025) sundown.

1 comment

Mishna Siyum is 54.2% Assigned
(57/105 chapters)

current signup list


Berachos disabledPeah
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Yitzi Davies
√ ch.2 - Simche Kahan
√ ch.3 - Simche Kahan
√ ch.4 - Menachem Freifeld
√ ch.5 - Meir Hochhauser
ch.6 (11)
√ ch.7 - Ari Loebenstein
√ ch.8 - Avrumi Elzas
Demai disabled
Kilaim disabledSheviis disabledTerumos disabled
Maasros disabledMaaser Sheini
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Shaya Rotenberg
√ ch.2 - Yosef Sholom Ehrentreu
ch.3 (13)
ch.4 (12)
ch.5 (15)
Challah disabled
Orlah disabledBikkurim
√ ch.1 - Yossi Salomon
√ ch.2 - Yossi Salomon
√ ch.3 - Yossi Salomon
√ ch.4 - Yossi Salomon


Shabbos disabledEruvin disabledPesachim
√ ch.1 - Aron Dovid Yodaiken
√ ch.2 - Avi Cohen
√ ch.3 - Moshe Kraus
√ ch.4 - Modche
√ ch.5 - Yakov Meir
√ ch.6 - Pinchos
√ ch.7 - Nosson Tzvi Goldblatt
√ ch.8 - Chaim Heller
√ ch.9 - Heshy Grosberg
√ ch.10 - Jospeh Schischa
Shekalim disabledYoma disabledSukkah disabled
Beitzah disabledRosh Hashanah disabledTaanis disabled
Megillah disabledMoed Katan disabledChagigah
√ ch.1 - David
√ ch.2 - David
√ ch.3 - David


Yevamos disabledKesuvos disabledNedarim disabled
Nazir disabledSotah disabledGittin
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Shloime Gehler
√ ch.2 - Yossi Ebert
√ ch.3 - Meir Ebert
√ ch.4 - Aryeh LeibWeiniger
√ ch.5 - Nosson Zvi Kupetz
√ ch.6 - Avrumi Markovic
√ ch.7 - Yehuda Pappenheim
√ ch.8 - Avrohom Gutterman
ch.9 (10)
√ ch.1 - Shloime Shaarjashuv
√ ch.2 - Chaim Krausz
√ ch.3 - Shlomo Levene
√ ch.4 - Yisroel Ehrentreu


Bava Kamma disabledBava Metzia
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Arye Werthaimer
√ ch.2 - Boruch Steinhaus
√ ch.3 - Yitzi Simmonds
ch.4 (12)
ch.5 (11)
√ ch.6 - Avremele Rosenbaum
√ ch.7 - Yossi Elzas
√ ch.8 - Avi Chissick
√ ch.9 - Naftoli Elzas
√ ch.10 - Shimmy Hoffman
Bava Basra disabled
Sanhedrin disabledMakkos disabledShevuos disabled
Edyos disabledAvodah Zarah
all unchecked
ch.1 (9)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (10)
√ ch.4 - Eli Arran
ch.5 (12)
Avot disabled
Horayos disabled  


all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Naftoli Zvi
√ ch.2 - Yehuda Chontow
ch.3 (6)
ch.4 (6)
√ ch.5 - Yitzi Bloch, Gateshead
ch.6 (7)
ch.7 (6)
ch.8 (12)
ch.9 (7)
ch.10 (8)
ch.11 (8)
ch.12 (6)
ch.13 (8)
ch.14 (10)
Menahos disabledHullin
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Leiby Stern
ch.2 (10)
ch.3 (7)
ch.4 (7)
ch.5 (5)
ch.6 (7)
√ ch.7 - Yitzchok Salamon
ch.8 (6)
ch.9 (8)
√ ch.10 - Leiby Stern
√ ch.11 - Avrumi Stern
ch.12 (5)
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (9)
ch.3 (4)
ch.4 (10)
ch.5 (6)
ch.6 (12)
ch.7 (7)
ch.8 (10)
ch.9 (8)
Arakhin disabledTemurah disabled
Kerisos disabledMeilah disabledTamid
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Tzviki Fisher
√ ch.2 - Yossi Sanger
ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (3)
ch.5 (6)
√ ch.6 - Aron Orshansky
ch.7 (4)
all unchecked
ch.1 (9)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (7)
ch.5 (4)
Kinnim disabled 

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Submitted Comments

I Checked yesterday for my son Leiby Stern Perek 10 of Chuilin But he asked to change it for Perek 1, Pls could you change this for him.
Many thanks

Leiby Stern, 2 days ago

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Current Signups

1Ari LoebensteinPeah chapter 7
1Aron OrshanskyTamid chapter 6
1Arye werthaimerBava Metzia chapter 1
1Aryeh LeibWeinigerGittin chapter 4
1Avi CohenPesachim chapter 2
1aron dovid yodaikenPesachim chapter 1
1Avrohom GuttermanGittin chapter 8
1Avrumi ElzasPeah chapter 8
1Naftoli ElzasBava Metzia chapter 9
1Avrumi MarkovicGittin chapter 6
1Avrumi SternHullin chapter 11
1Eli ArranAvodah Zarah chapter 4
1Boruch steinhausBava Metzia chapter 2
1Chaim HellerPesachim chapter 8
1Chaim KrauszKiddushin chapter 2
3DavidChagigah chapters 1-3
1Nosson Tzvi GoldblattPesachim chapter 7
1Heshy GrosbergPesachim chapter 9
1Jospeh SchischaPesachim chapter 10
2Leiby SternHullin chapters 1, 10
1Meir HochhauserPeah chapter 5
1Menachem FreifeldPeah chapter 4
1ModchePesachim chapter 4
1Avi ChissickBava Metzia chapter 8
1Moshe KrausPesachim chapter 3
1Avremele RosenbaumBava Metzia chapter 6
1Naftoli ZviZevahim chapter 1
1Nosson Zvi KupetzGittin chapter 5
1shaya rotenbergMaaser Sheini chapter 1
1Shimmy HoffmanBava Metzia chapter 10
1Shlomo LeveneKiddushin chapter 3
1Shloime GehlerGittin chapter 1
1Shloime shaarjashuvKiddushin chapter 1
2Simche KahanPeah chapters 2-3
1Yehuda ChontowZevahim chapter 2
1tzviki fisherTamid chapter 1
1yakov meirPesachim chapter 5
1pinchosPesachim chapter 6
1Yehuda PappenheimGittin chapter 7
1Yisroel EhrentreuKiddushin chapter 4
1Yosef Sholom EhrentreuMaaser Sheini chapter 2
1Yitzchok SalamonHullin chapter 7
1Yitzi Bloch, GatesheadZevahim chapter 5
1Yitzi DaviesPeah chapter 1
1Yitzi SimmondsBava Metzia chapter 3
1Yossi EbertGittin chapter 2
1Meir EbertGittin chapter 3
1Yossi ElzasBava Metzia chapter 7
4Yossi SalomonBikkurim chapters 1-4
1Yossi SangerTamid chapter 2
      50 people signed up for 57 chapters   export



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