Learn for עמנואל שמחה צבי בן לאה שולמית  בתוך שאר חולי ישראל (Seder Limud - Refuah Shelema)
Refuah Shelema

Please join us for a learning סדר to take place this פרשת בשלח מוצאי שבת from 8-9 pm as a זכות for a רפואה שלמה for one of our young Mispallelim

עמנואל שמחה צבי בן לאה שולמית בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

We would like to learn מסכת מגילה between all those who can join, and please sign up to a Daf using the link below.

Refreshments will be served!

To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant dafim, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 10 Shevat 5785 (Saturday, February 08, 2025) sundown.

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(1 full signup + 6 additional talmud dafim)

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Seder Zeraim (disabled)


Shabbos disabledEruvin disabledPesachim disabled
Shekalim disabledYoma disabledSukkah disabled
Beitzah disabledRosh Hashanah disabledTaanis disabled
Megillah (37/31 119.4%)
Moed Katan disabledChagigah disabled

Seder Nashim (disabled)

Seder Nezikim (disabled)

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Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

1Adam PasterMegillah daf 18
1AlexMegillah daf 6
1NechemyaMegillah daf 13
1Barry GrossMegillah daf 19
1Ben LernerMegillah daf 17
1Benjamin GordonMegillah daf 27
1Shaya GreenbergMegillah daf 11
1Benjy FreedmanMegillah daf 25
1Benzi MarguliesMegillah daf 15
1Chaim GreenbergMegillah daf 11
1DayanMegillah daf 32
1Doron WiseMegillah daf 29
1Dovid SchwabMegillah daf 22
1Dovid SharmanMegillah daf 3
1Ellie A BerginMegillah daf 9
1Eytan WeiszMegillah daf 7
1Gavriel CohenMegillah daf 4
1Jody JacobsMegillah daf 20
1JoshMegillah daf 30
1Natti PosenMegillah daf 14
1Marc RogoffMegillah daf 3
1Meir LewinMegillah daf 5
1Menachem WiederMegillah daf 21
1Ari DavisMegillah daf 17
1Michael BlauMegillah daf 8
1Shuki RosensteinMegillah daf 21
1Oren RechtMegillah daf 28
1OC PosenMegillah daf 12
1Rafi weiszMegillah daf 24
1Shaya GalpertMegillah daf 5
1Shlomo MalkielMegillah daf 10
1shmaya ormondeMegillah daf 16
1Uziel RabsonMegillah daf 31
1Yehudah ColmanMegillah daf 26
1Yehudah PasterMegillah daf 18
1Yitschok HackenbrochMegillah daf 2
1Zevi WulwickMegillah daf 23
      37 people signed up for 37 dafim   export



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