Learn for Hayeled Refoel Yehuda Simcha Z"l Ben Chaim Ezra Meir (Yehuda)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

Dear Family & Friends,

We are so thankful to you for all you have done for Yehuda z"l and sure he feels the hargoshas near the Kissei Hakovod.

Kindly join us this year in signing up to be mesayem Gemora Seder Moed from now- 5th night of Chanukah.

Rifki & I are truly appreciative to you. May Yehuda z"l be a Meilitz Yoisher for all of you and Klal Yisroel. Very soon to be zoche to the Binyan Beis Hamikdosh Beyomwinu , V Yokutzu V' Yeranenu !

Ezry & Rifki

To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 28 Kislev 5786 (Thursday, December 18, 2025) sundown.

Talmud Bavli Siyum is 11.3% Assigned
(10/88 chapters)

current signup list

Seder Zeraim (disabled)


Shabbos (156 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (18 dafim)
ch.2 (16 dafim)
ch.3 (11 dafim)
ch.4 (4 dafim)
ch.5 (6 dafim)
ch.6 (10 dafim)
ch.7 (9 dafim)
ch.8 (6 dafim)
ch.9 (8 dafim)
ch.10 (6 dafim)
ch.11 (6 dafim)
ch.12 (3 dafim)
ch.13 (2 dafim)
ch.14 (4 dafim)
ch.15 (4 dafim)
ch.16 (7 dafim)
ch.17 (4 dafim)
ch.18 (4 dafim)
ch.19 (7 dafim)
ch.20 (4 dafim)
ch.21 (2 dafim)
ch.22 (5 dafim)
ch.23 (5 dafim)
ch.24 (5 dafim)
Eruvin (104 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (15 dafim)
ch.2 (9 dafim)
ch.3 (15 dafim)
ch.4 (11 dafim)
ch.5 (9 dafim)
ch.6 (15 dafim)
ch.7 (6 dafim)
ch.8 (7 dafim)
ch.9 (6 dafim)
ch.10 (11 dafim)
Pesachim (120 dafim)
all unchecked
√ ch.1 (19 dafim) - Sruli Abramczyk
√ ch.2 (21 dafim) - Eli Weinstein
ch.3 (8 dafim)
ch.4 (8 dafim)
√ ch.5 (7 dafim) - Ezry Fireworker
ch.6 (9 dafim)
ch.7 (13 dafim)
√ ch.8 (5 dafim) - Ezry Fireworker
ch.9 (7 dafim)
ch.10 (23 dafim)
Shekalim (21 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (3 dafim)
ch.2 (2 dafim)
ch.3 (2 dafim)
ch.4 (4 dafim)
ch.5 (2 dafim)
ch.6 (4 dafim)
ch.7 (2 dafim)
ch.8 (2 dafim)
Yoma (87 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (20 dafim)
ch.2 (6 dafim)
ch.3 (11 dafim)
ch.4 (8 dafim)
ch.5 (15 dafim)
ch.6 (6 dafim)
ch.7 (5 dafim)
ch.8 (16 dafim)
Sukkah (55 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (18 dafim)
ch.2 (9 dafim)
√ ch.3 (13 dafim) - Sheya Fireworker
ch.4 (8 dafim)
ch.5 (7 dafim)
Beitzah (39 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (13 dafim)
ch.2 (8 dafim)
ch.3 (6 dafim)
ch.4 (6 dafim)
ch.5 (6 dafim)
Rosh Hashanah (34 dafim)
√ ch.1 (20 dafim) - Ari Goldstein
√ ch.2 (3 dafim) - Ari Goldstein
√ ch.3 (4 dafim) - Ari Goldstein
√ ch.4 (7 dafim) - Ari Goldstein
Taanis (30 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (13 dafim)
ch.2 (3 dafim)
ch.3 (8 dafim)
ch.4 (6 dafim)
Megillah (31 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (15 dafim)
ch.2 (4 dafim)
ch.3 (4 dafim)
ch.4 (8 dafim)
Moed Katan (28 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (9 dafim)
ch.2 (2 dafim)
ch.3 (17 dafim)
Chagigah (26 dafim)
all unchecked
ch.1 (9 dafim)
ch.2 (9 dafim)
√ ch.3 (8 dafim) - Baruch Fireworker

Seder Nashim (disabled)

Seder Nezikim (disabled)

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

1Baruch FireworkerChagigah chapter 3
1Eli weinsteinPesachim chapter 2
4Ari GoldsteinRosh Hashanah chapters 1-4
1Sheya FireworkerSukkah chapter 3
2Ezry FireworkerPesachim chapters 5, 8
1Sruli AbramczykPesachim chapter 1
      6 people signed up for 10 chapters   export



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