Shemini Atzeret- First Yahrtzeit

Last year, our hearts were heavy as we witnessed the tragic loss of 1200 precious souls on a day meant to celebrate the Torah.

This year, on Shemini Atzeret, let us come together in a global siyum to commemorate their lives and the beauty of Torah. We invite you to join us in the completion of all 24 books of the Torah to honor their memory.

Together, let's create a meaningful and uplifting experience as we mark the yahrtzeit of the kedoshim in collective study and celebrate the eternal wisdom of the Torah. Let us unite in prayer and reflection, honoring the lives lost and reaffirming our commitment to the teachings that bring us together.

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 23 Tishri 5785 (Friday, October 25, 2024) sundown.

Tanach Siyum is 0% Assigned
(0/929 chapters)


Bereishis (0/50 0%)
Shmos (0/40 0%)
Vayikra (0/27 0%)
Bamidbar (0/36 0%)
Devarim (0/34 0%)


Yehoshua (0/24 0%)
Shoftim (0/21 0%)
Shmuel 1 (0/31 0%)
Shmuel 2 (0/24 0%)
Melachim 1 (0/22 0%)
Melachim 2 (0/25 0%)
Yeshaya (0/66 0%)
Yirmiya (0/52 0%)
Yechezkel (0/48 0%)
Hoshea (0/14 0%)
Yoel (0/4 0%)
Amos (0/9 0%)
Ovadia (0/1 0%)
Yona (0/4 0%)
Micha (0/7 0%)
Nachum (0/3 0%)
Chavakuk (0/3 0%)
Tzefania (0/3 0%)
Chagai (0/2 0%)
Zecharia (0/14 0%)
Malachi (0/3 0%)


Tehilim (0/150 0%)
Mishlei (0/31 0%)
Iyov (0/42 0%)
Daniel (0/12 0%)
Ezra (0/10 0%)
Nechemia (0/13 0%)
Shir Hashirim (0/8 0%)
Ruth (0/4 0%)
Eicha (0/5 0%)
Koheles (0/12 0%)
Esther (0/10 0%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (0/29 0%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (0/36 0%)

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