In memory of Dr. Joseph Walder z"l

Dr. Joseph (Yosef) Walder, a former biochemistry professor and founder of IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies), the leading provider of synthetic RNA and DNA for life-sciences research, passed away Tuesday at home in Highland Park, Illinois, at the age of 73.

Dr. Joseph (Yosef) Walder z"l was a former biochemistry professor and founder of IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies), the leading provider of synthetic RNA and DNA for life-sciences research. He was known as much for his cutting-edge science and business acumen as for his boundless generosity within the Orthodox Jewish community in Chicagoland and beyond.

A humble visionary, he and his wife, Elizabeth, quietly supported hundreds of organizations locally and around the globe, including in Israel. They also identified gaps and needs in the community and worked hard to fill them. "Dr. Walder was an extraordinary innovator who demonstrated that you can be a leading-edge scientist and a Torah Jew," said Elizabeth.

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I completed sefer Melachim 1. I'm not sure how to enter that, so I'm making a note of it here. Thank you for arranging this!
Aliza Bulow, 1 month ago

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