London Pirchim Siyum 5785 - Year 3 & 4

Instructions for Signing Up

1. Age-Based Sign-Up: Based on the school year entered in the original registration form, you will automatically be directed to the appropriate Mishnayos sign-up form for your son's year. Each form will only display the masechtas (or perakim within those masechtas) that are suitable for his year group.

2. Scroll Down: After selecting your perek, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

3. Enter Your Details: At the bottom of the page, you'll be asked to enter your son's name and your email address.

4. Click Sign Up: Once your details are entered, click the Sign Up button to complete your registration.

If you have any issues in selecting Mishnayos please contact R' Yaakov Greenberg on 07956101134 (not between 8:15pm - 9:30pm).

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 17 Shevat 5785 (Saturday, February 15, 2025) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 77.7% Assigned
(28/36 chapters)

current signup list


√ ch.1 - Eli Glickman
√ ch.2 - Moshe Lauer
√ ch.3 - Yehuda Meisner
√ ch.4 - Yisroel Modche Grausz
√ ch.5 - Eli Cohen
√ ch.6 - Yehuda Meisner
√ ch.7 - Dovid Cohen
√ ch.8 - Doniel Ginsbury
√ ch.9 - Avi Sonnenfeld
Peah disabledDemai disabled
Kilaim disabledSheviis
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Chezkel Shraga Barchorin
√ ch.2 - Chaim Erlanger
√ ch.3 - Yitzchok Rosen
ch.4 (10)
ch.5 (9)
√ ch.6 - Yoni Ickowicz
√ ch.7 - Yisroel Meir Godlewsky
ch.8 (11)
ch.9 (9)
√ ch.10 - Eliezer Wolfish
Terumos disabled
Maasros disabledMaaser Sheini disabledChallah
all unchecked
ch.1 (9)
ch.2 (8)
ch.3 (10)
ch.4 (11)
Orlah disabledBikkurim disabled 


Shabbos disabledEruvin disabledPesachim disabled
Shekalim disabledYoma disabledSukkah
√ ch.1 - Shragi Yodaiken
√ ch.2 - Moishy Abraham
√ ch.3 - Meir Bamberger
√ ch.4 - Yehuda Meisner
√ ch.5 - Menachem Noe
Beitzah disabledRosh Hashanah disabledTaanis
√ ch.1 - Doniel Mantel
√ ch.2 - Shmuel Klipstein
√ ch.3 - Chaim Adler
√ ch.4 - Yitzi Brenig
√ ch.1 - Eli Goldblatt
√ ch.2 - Shragi Erlich
√ ch.3 - Yisroel Rand
√ ch.4 - Yisroel Rand
Moed Katan disabledChagigah disabled

Seder Nashim (disabled)

Seder Nezikim (disabled)

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

1Eliezer wolfishSheviis chapter 10
1shragi yodaikenSukkah chapter 1
1Yisroel Meir godlewskySheviis chapter 7
1Yitzi BrenigTaanis chapter 4
1Meir BambergerSukkah chapter 3
1Chezkel Shraga BarchorinSheviis chapter 1
1Yoni ickowiczSheviis chapter 6
1Doniel GinsburyBerachos chapter 8
1Doniel MantelTaanis chapter 1
1Eli cohenBerachos chapter 5
1Dovid cohenBerachos chapter 7
1Eli GlickmanBerachos chapter 1
1Eli GoldblattMegillah chapter 1
1Avi SonnenfeldBerachos chapter 9
1Chaim adlerTaanis chapter 3
1Menachem NoeSukkah chapter 5
1Yisroel Modche GrauszBerachos chapter 4
1Moishy AbrahamSukkah chapter 2
1Moshe LauerBerachos chapter 2
1Shmuel KlipsteinTaanis chapter 2
3Yehuda MeisnerSukkah chapter 4; Berachos chapters 3, 6
1Chaim ErlangerSheviis chapter 2
2Yisroel RandMegillah chapters 3-4
1Yitzchok RosenSheviis chapter 3
1Shragi ErlichMegillah chapter 2
      25 people signed up for 28 chapters   export



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