London Pirchim Siyum 5785

Instructions for Signing Up

1. Select a Perek: Begin by choosing the Perek of Mishnayos your son would like to learn. Please make sure to choose a perek that matches your son's level (younger boys should choose the easier masechtas, while older boys should select more challenging ones).

2. Scroll Down: After selecting your perek, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

3. Enter Your Details: At the bottom of the page, you'll be asked to enter your son's name and your email address.

4. Click Sign Up: Once your details are entered, click the Sign Up button to complete your registration.

If you have any issues in selecting Mishnayos please contact R' Yaakov Greenberg on 07956101134 (not between 8:15pm - 9:30pm).

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 17 Shevat 5785 (Saturday, February 15, 2025) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 4.4% Assigned
(7/156 chapters)

current signup list


all unchecked
ch.1 (5)
ch.2 (8)
ch.3 (6)
ch.4 (7)
ch.5 (5)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (5)
ch.8 (8)
ch.9 (5)
Peah disabledDemai disabled
Kilaim disabledSheviis disabledTerumos disabled
Maasros disabledMaaser Sheini disabledChallah disabled
Orlah disabledBikkurim disabled 


all unchecked
ch.1 (11)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (6)
ch.4 (2)
ch.5 (4)
ch.6 (10)
ch.7 (4)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (7)
ch.10 (6)
ch.11 (6)
ch.12 (6)
ch.13 (7)
ch.14 (4)
ch.15 (3)
ch.16 (8)
ch.17 (8)
ch.18 (3)
ch.19 (6)
√ ch.20 - Yanki Fischer
ch.21 (3)
ch.22 (6)
ch.23 (5)
ch.24 (5)
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (11)
ch.5 (9)
ch.6 (10)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (11)
ch.9 (4)
ch.10 (15)
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (8)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (10)
ch.6 (6)
√ ch.7 - Yanki Diamant
ch.8 (8)
ch.9 (11)
√ ch.10 - Yanki Diamant
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (4)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (6)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (7)
ch.8 (8)
all unchecked
ch.1 (8)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (11)
ch.4 (6)
ch.5 (7)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (5)
ch.8 (9)
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Aryeh Diamant
√ ch.2 - Aryeh Diamant
ch.3 (15)
ch.4 (10)
ch.5 (8)
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (10)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (7)
ch.5 (7)
Rosh Hashanah
all unchecked
ch.1 (9)
ch.2 (9)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (9)
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (10)
ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (8)
all unchecked
ch.1 (11)
√ ch.2 - Yanki Diamant
ch.3 (6)
ch.4 (10)
Moed Katan
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (9)
all unchecked
ch.1 (8)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (8)


Yevamos disabledKesuvos disabledNedarim disabled
Nazir disabledSotah disabledGittin
all unchecked
ch.1 (6)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (9)
ch.6 (7)
ch.7 (9)
ch.8 (10)
ch.9 (10)
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (10)
ch.3 (13)
ch.4 (14)


Bava Kamma
all unchecked
ch.1 (4)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (11)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (7)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (7)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (12)
ch.10 (10)
Bava Metzia
all unchecked
ch.1 (8)
√ ch.2 - Mr Y Greenberg
ch.3 (12)
ch.4 (12)
ch.5 (11)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (9)
ch.9 (13)
ch.10 (6)
Bava Basra disabled
all unchecked
ch.1 (6)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (5)
ch.5 (5)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (6)
ch.10 (6)
ch.11 (6)
all unchecked
ch.1 (10)
ch.2 (8)
ch.3 (16)
Shevuos disabled
Edyos disabledAvodah Zarah disabledAvot disabled
Horayos disabled  


Zevahim disabledMenahos disabledHullin disabled
Bechoros disabledArakhin disabledTemurah disabled
Kerisos disabledMeilah disabledTamid
all unchecked
ch.1 (4)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (3)
ch.5 (6)
ch.6 (3)
ch.7 (4)
all unchecked
ch.1 (9)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (7)
ch.5 (4)
Kinnim disabled 

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

2Aryeh DiamantSukkah chapters 1-2
1Mr Y GreenbergBava Metzia chapter 2
3Yanki DiamantMegillah chapter 2; Pesachim chapters 7, 10
1Yanki FischerShabbos chapter 20
      4 people signed up for 7 chapters   export



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