Learn for Kedoshim Of Simchas Torah (Victims of October 7th)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

Welcome to the Beth Sholom Simchas Torah Siyum 5785!

Sign up below for a Parsha. I will send ten names of those who were killed for you to have in mind during your learning. We will also add your neme to the Posterboard displayed in shul.

May their neshamos have an aliya. Thank you for participating in this meaningful project.

Rabbi Freundlich

To join this siyum of Chumash, please check the relevant parshas, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 22 Tishri 5785 (Thursday, October 24, 2024) sundown.

Signup Complete.
you may still sign up for more.
(1 full signup + 10 additional Chumash parshas)

current signup list


Bereishis (146) Noach (153) Lech Lecha (126)
Vayera (147) Chayei Sarah (105) Toldos (106)
Vayetzei (148) Vayishlach (154) Vayeshev (112)
Miketz (147) Vayigash (106) Vayechi (85)


Shemos (124) Vaeira (121) Bo (105)
Beshalach (116) Yisro (72) Mishpatim (118)
Terumah (96) Tetzaveh (101) Ki Sisa (139)
Vayakhel (122) Pekudei (92)  


Vayikra (111) Tzav (96) Shemini (91)
Tazria (67) Metzora (90) Acharei Mos (80)
Kedoshim (64) Emor (124) Behar (57)
Bechukotai (78)   


Bamidbar (159) Nasso (176) Behaaloscha (136)
Shlach Lecha (119) Korach (95) Chukas (87)
Balak (104) Pinchas (168) Matos (112)
Masei (132)   


Devarim (105) Vaeschanan (118) Eikev (111)
Re-eh (126) Shoftim (97) Ki Seitzei (110)
Ki Savo (122) Nitzavim (40) Vayeilech (30)
Haazinu (52) Zos HaBracha (41)  

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Current Signups

1Aaron JungreisVayakhel
1Abbie SpetnerVayetzei
1Abraham TopielHaazinu
2Anne & Shelly GolombeckVayera, Vayigash
1Arthur PerlBehaaloscha
1Avi GoldsteinTazria
1Betsy and Ben LopataRe-eh
1Cantor Ariel BekhoreBechukotai
1Chaim Yehuda MeyerNoach
1Dr. Charles MitgangEikev
1Daniel and Joseph MoskovicNasso
1Daniel ZeidmanVayeilech
1danny hillerBeshalach
1David DecterShemini
1David ElkoubyPinchas
1David SeelenfreundVayeshev
1David ShapiroShemini
1Deborah and Alan HellerMishpatim
2Dov LedererBereishis, Zos HaBracha
1dovid faskaShlach
1DT JacobsPekudei
1Elisheva & Neal FeitBereishis
1Eric AusteinEmor
1Esther KopelShoftim
1Steven HoffmanTetzaveh
1Fred TopielKi Seitzei
1Karla and Gary millerBehar
1Harold HershmanTerumah
1Jack BrugerDevarim
1Jake and Avigayil GreenbergNitzavim
1Jay and Debbie SchechterChukas
2Zechus for Yonathan Benhamou, Yonathan, Marvin Kneib and Thibault MetHaazinu, Zos HaBracha
1NahmanZos HaBracha
1Mendy and Hindel JesselsonLech Lecha
1Kaplan familyMasei
1Stephanie and Tzvi KaplanMasei
1Lenny EdelsteinBo
2Lewis SteinNasso, Nitzavim
1Lisa and Sheldon FeitBamidbar
1Mark NeuhofVayikra
1Marlyn PressVayechi
1mordy LentKi Savo
1Norbert MoskovitsKedoshim
1Shulamis MoskovitsMiketz
1Sam and Orly GlowitzChayei Sarah
1Rand LevinMetzora
1Robert PerlBalak
1Sam RausmanEikev
1Sandy LichtmanShemos
1Shani JacobsYisro
1Lieber familyVaeira
1Shirley Kaplan and Hillel MaransKi Sisa
1Shlomo & Judith GottesmanToldos
1Steven nossenAcharei Mos
1Steven WeinsteinMatos
1Suzanne & Barry GurvitchVayera
1Zak CohenKorach
1Zev FriedmanVaeschanan
      60 people signed up for 64 parshas   export



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