חלוקת הש״ס לכבוד ראש השנה לחסידות י״ט כסלו תשפ״ה

Kollel Menachem invites you to join The Chalukas Hashas Melbourne Anash 5785

In the final pages of Tanya, the Alter Rebbe requests that each community complete the learning of Shas each year, with the Mesechtos being selected by choice or by lottery.

It is customary to make the division of the Shas on Yud-Tes Kislev.

By participating, the Rebbe says that it is considered as if you yourself have learned the entire Shas.

You may select entire Mesechtos or individual Perakim. The Chalukah also includes Mishnayos for those Mesechtos where there is no Gemara.

We encourage every member of the community to participate and take on something to learn.

You may select to learn Mesechtos that already show up with someone's name, but we also encourage you to try to select something that is not already being done.

To join this siyum, please check the relevant boxes, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 18 Kislev 5786 (Monday, December 08, 2025) sundown.

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lShabbos Perokim 20,21,22,23,24. only
Yankel Rapp , 6 weeks ago

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