KYHS Tehillim for Israel

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To join this siyum of Tehilim, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 25 Tishri 5784 (Tuesday, October 10, 2023) sundown.

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(1 full signup + 153 additional tehilim chapters)

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Tehilim by Chapter (150 chapters)

ch.1 (6) ch.2 (12) ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (9) ch.5 (13) ch.6 (11)
ch.7 (18) ch.8 (10) ch.9 (21)
ch.10 (18) ch.11 (7) ch.12 (9)
ch.13 (6) ch.14 (7) ch.15 (5)
ch.16 (11) ch.17 (15) ch.18 (51)
ch.19 (15) ch.20 (10) ch.21 (14)
ch.22 (32) ch.23 (6) ch.24 (10)
ch.25 (22) ch.26 (12) ch.27 (14)
ch.28 (9) ch.29 (11) ch.30 (13)
ch.31 (25) ch.32 (11) ch.33 (22)
ch.34 (23) ch.35 (28) ch.36 (13)
ch.37 (40) ch.38 (23) ch.39 (14)
ch.40 (18) ch.41 (14) ch.42 (12)
ch.43 (5) ch.44 (27) ch.45 (18)
ch.46 (12) ch.47 (10) ch.48 (15)
ch.49 (21) ch.50 (23) ch.51 (21)
ch.52 (11) ch.53 (7) ch.54 (9)
ch.55 (24) ch.56 (14) ch.57 (12)
ch.58 (12) ch.59 (18) ch.60 (14)
ch.61 (9) ch.62 (13) ch.63 (12)
ch.64 (11) ch.65 (14) ch.66 (20)
ch.67 (8) ch.68 (36) ch.69 (37)
ch.70 (6) ch.71 (24) ch.72 (20)
ch.73 (28) ch.74 (23) ch.75 (11)
ch.76 (13) ch.77 (21) ch.78 (72)
ch.79 (13) ch.80 (20) ch.81 (17)
ch.82 (8) ch.83 (19) ch.84 (13)
ch.85 (14) ch.86 (17) ch.87 (7)
ch.88 (19) ch.89 (53) ch.90 (17)
ch.91 (16) ch.92 (16) ch.93 (5)
ch.94 (23) ch.95 (11) ch.96 (13)
ch.97 (12) ch.98 (9) ch.99 (9)
ch.100 (5) ch.101 (8) ch.102 (29)
ch.103 (22) ch.104 (35) ch.105 (45)
ch.106 (48) ch.107 (43) ch.108 (14)
ch.109 (31) ch.110 (7) ch.111 (10)
ch.112 (10) ch.113 (9) ch.114 (8)
ch.115 (18) ch.116 (19) ch.117 (2)
ch.118 (29) ch.119 (176) ch.120 (7)
ch.121 (8) ch.122 (9) ch.123 (4)
ch.124 (8) ch.125 (5) ch.126 (6)
ch.127 (5) ch.128 (6) ch.129 (8)
ch.130 (8) ch.131 (3) ch.132 (18)
ch.133 (3) ch.134 (3) ch.135 (21)
ch.136 (26) ch.137 (9) ch.138 (8)
ch.139 (24) ch.140 (14) ch.141 (10)
ch.142 (8) ch.143 (12) ch.144 (15)
ch.145 (21) ch.146 (10) ch.147 (20)
ch.148 (14) ch.149 (9) ch.150 (6)

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Current Signups

15Abby Bienenfeld15 chapters
4Andy Levontin4 chapters
6Mayan6 chapters
4Anna Rude4 chapters
6Annabelle Sokal6 chapters
4Ariel Elazar4 chapters
5Avi young5 chapters
4Avia Kesler4 chapters
2Azi Goldstein2 chapters
1Yosef Wolf1 Chapter
5Caleb5 chapters
1Carla Levine1 Chapter
1Chaim Lanner1 Chapter
9Cobey Nadel9 chapters
5Coty benarroch5 chapters
1Coty Benarroch1 Chapter
1Daniella Jacobs1 Chapter
1Danielle Zaretsky1 Chapter
3Daveed Winograd3 chapters
2David Link2 chapters
3David Lunski3 chapters
4Sarra4 chapters
4Dina Dobkowski4 chapters
1Dvora Scher1 Chapter
18Eitan Kaminetzky18 chapters
3Eitan Lasry3 chapters
21Eliav Bar21 chapters
4Hannah Markovich4 chapters
3Hymie Frohlich3 chapters
1Ikey Markovich1 Chapter
2Isabelle Snow2 chapters
3Jerry Ganz3 chapters
1Ariella1 Chapter
2Kira Kornbluth2 chapters
3M. Zisquit3 chapters
5Melissa Perl5 chapters
38Michal Peckman38 chapters
4Mikaela Gottheil4 chapters
5miriam5 chapters
1Moshe Behar1 Chapter
11netanel rubin11 chapters
8Noa Shemesh8 chapters
9Meira Salit9 chapters
7Rachey Mirzoeff7 chapters
2Renee Dennis2 chapters
5Rivka5 chapters
5S.Warman5 chapters
3Serena Fialkoff3 chapters
7Shaila Sterenfeld7 chapters
3Shemaya Zangre3 chapters
2Shira Sedaghati2 chapters
1Shlomit Peretz1 Chapter
3Shoshi Greenblatt3 chapters
1Suri Lerman1 Chapter
4Tyler Pilkington4 chapters
3Jacob Zucker3 chapters
17Zalman Himelstein17 chapters
6Batsheva Smierc6 chapters
      58 people signed up for 303 chapters   export



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