The Mishneh Berurah (581:3) notes the custom of increasing the recitation of Tehillim during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah. One should endeavor, at least, to recite ten chapters on Rosh Hashanah, and five chapters each morning (after Shacharis) each of the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah. Congregations might consider dividing the whole Tehillim each day amongst themselves.

To join this siyum of Tehilim, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 10 Tishri 5781 (Monday, September 28, 2020) sundown.

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Tehilim by Chapter (150 chapters)

ch.1 (6) ch.2 (12) ch.3 (9)
ch.4 (9) ch.5 (13) ch.6 (11)
ch.7 (18) ch.8 (10) ch.9 (21)
ch.10 (18) ch.11 (7) ch.12 (9)
ch.13 (6) ch.14 (7) ch.15 (5)
ch.16 (11) ch.17 (15) ch.18 (51)
ch.19 (15) ch.20 (10) ch.21 (14)
ch.22 (32) ch.23 (6) ch.24 (10)
ch.25 (22) ch.26 (12) ch.27 (14)
ch.28 (9) ch.29 (11) ch.30 (13)
ch.31 (25) ch.32 (11) ch.33 (22)
ch.34 (23) ch.35 (28) ch.36 (13)
ch.37 (40) ch.38 (23) ch.39 (14)
ch.40 (18) ch.41 (14) ch.42 (12)
ch.43 (5) ch.44 (27) ch.45 (18)
ch.46 (12) ch.47 (10) ch.48 (15)
ch.49 (21) ch.50 (23) ch.51 (21)
ch.52 (11) ch.53 (7) ch.54 (9)
ch.55 (24) ch.56 (14) ch.57 (12)
ch.58 (12) ch.59 (18) ch.60 (14)
ch.61 (9) ch.62 (13) ch.63 (12)
ch.64 (11) ch.65 (14) ch.66 (20)
ch.67 (8) ch.68 (36) ch.69 (37)
ch.70 (6) ch.71 (24) ch.72 (20)
ch.73 (28) ch.74 (23) ch.75 (11)
ch.76 (13) ch.77 (21) ch.78 (72)
ch.79 (13) ch.80 (20) ch.81 (17)
ch.82 (8) ch.83 (19) ch.84 (13)
ch.85 (14) ch.86 (17) ch.87 (7)
ch.88 (19) ch.89 (53) ch.90 (17)
ch.91 (16) ch.92 (16) ch.93 (5)
ch.94 (23) ch.95 (11) ch.96 (13)
ch.97 (12) ch.98 (9) ch.99 (9)
ch.100 (5) ch.101 (8) ch.102 (29)
ch.103 (22) ch.104 (35) ch.105 (45)
ch.106 (48) ch.107 (43) ch.108 (14)
ch.109 (31) ch.110 (7) ch.111 (10)
ch.112 (10) ch.113 (9) ch.114 (8)
ch.115 (18) ch.116 (19) ch.117 (2)
ch.118 (29) ch.119 (176) ch.120 (7)
ch.121 (8) ch.122 (9) ch.123 (4)
ch.124 (8) ch.125 (5) ch.126 (6)
ch.127 (5) ch.128 (6) ch.129 (8)
ch.130 (8) ch.131 (3) ch.132 (18)
ch.133 (3) ch.134 (3) ch.135 (21)
ch.136 (26) ch.137 (9) ch.138 (8)
ch.139 (24) ch.140 (14) ch.141 (10)
ch.142 (8) ch.143 (12) ch.144 (15)
ch.145 (21) ch.146 (10) ch.147 (20)
ch.148 (14) ch.149 (9) ch.150 (6)

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